Thursday, July 19, 2007

Macedonian behavior

I decided the subject for my blog to be the behavior of my people, the macedonians, beacouse i wanted all the foreigners to know how are we.
First of all, we are very warm people, allways open for new friendships. We are allways ready to help if someone is in trouble.
We like having fun all the time, smilling, singing, dancing, and relaxed atmosphere.
But, we are a little bit (or a lot:)) lazy. We prefer to stay at some party all night, over going to work next morning.
We are peacefull people, we dont like wars (maybe beacouse we are lazy):). We all love our beatifull country, and that can be seen in lot of macedonian songs.
We know how to get along with different kinds of people, we like to know how is the life in the other countries, that means we are very curious. We want to know all about the lifes of the people that are close to us, and we will do our best to find out, so beware:).
Macedonians are also very traditional people. We like to eat our food everywhere we go, so it will be a good gesture from the host to make us our traditional food, if we visit some foreign county.
When somebody from abroad meet macedonians, she/he will allways remember us, beacouse we are very hard to forget.

1 comment:

Adrijana Petkovska said...

It great to have someone to write about macedonian behavior.We are different and we have different behavior. You mast work on your blog end fill et with some other information.